
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

5-in-1 Mascara Review (L'oreal)

Hey guys! So I just uploaded my mascara review video and I thought I would make a blog version of that video. I have tried 5 of the most popular L'oreal mascaras and here are my thoughts on them. Now, keep in mind that mascara, after face products is probably the most subjective makeup product in the sense of how they work. Just keep in mind that these are my thoughts and hopefully they help you, but just because I liked it does not necessarily mean that you will. 

Voluminous Carbon Black Mascara

Now this mascara is not personally my favorite, nor is it my least favorite. I will see that I do not think it is worth all of the hype it has on Youtube. Here are some pros and cons I came up with for it:

+Good for bolder eye looks
-Very thick,wet formula
+Very Black
-Brush picks up way too much product
+Works great for layering w/ other mascaras
-Too clumpy

-Too messy to apply

Voluminous Million Lashes (Waterproof)

I actually did completely use this mascara up, which I guess tells you that I do really like it, although I have found some mascaras since that I would repurchase over it. And here are the pros and cons I have found with this one:

+Great at separating and defining lashes
-You do have to work with it to get it to look good
+Gives a lot of length
-Not the blackest mascara
+Gives a natural, flirty finish to the lashes
-Could stand to be more volumizing
 +Very waterproof if you want a good waterproof mascara

False Fiber Lashes

This was the one mascara in the bunch that I completely hated. It did nothing for my lashes let alone make them look like falsies. I had no problem finding cons and struggled a little to find pros but here they are:

+Easy and not messy to apply
-Not lengthening
+Natural look
-Not volumizing
+You can layer for more drama (like, a lot)
-Not that black

-Certainly does not look like falsies


I really love this mascara a lot. I had heard about it for awhile and was happy I finally tried it, because it made my lashes look amazing and almost like I was wearing falsies or something. Here are the pros and a few cons:

+Super lengthening
-Very wet formula
+Gives enough volume to balance with the length
-Because of this it is super messy to apply (I smudge it every time I use it)
+Very black
-Can't really layer this one. It gets crispy
 +Looks awesome after just 1 coat

Extra Collagen

This is one of L'oreal's newer mascaras and I had heard mixed reviews, but I've got to tell you, I think this might be my favorite mascara of the bunch. I wear it almost every day now. Here are my pros and cons for it:

+Very thick and volumized lashes
-And I honestly cannot think of a con for this one.
+A full but natural look (not clumpy at all)

+Very dark mascara, even though I got the brown one

 +Very easy to apply as well. Not messy

So, overall I really do recommend L'oreal mascaras. I think they are my favorites I have tried. They are a little more expensive than most drugstore mascaras (about $10 a pop) but they are worth it. Here are my overall rankings of 1-5 on these mascaras, which I would recommend you buy:
1. Extra Collagen
2. Telescopic
3. Voluminous Million Lashes
4. Voluminous Carbon Black
5. False Fiber Lashes

Anyways, I hope you found this helpful and be sure to watch my video review where I go into even more detail and show clips of me applying the mascara with no other eye makeup so that you can see the full effect:

Thanks for reading!

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